
Contact Details

Our Fitness studio is the preferred choice for diplomats and employees from 64 embassies, consulates and UN agencies, as well as private patients from over 60 countries.

Emergency Cases

800 123 45 67


121 Wallstreet, NY, USA

Experienced Physicians

Your health is your most important asset. You should entrust it only to the best professionals.

Personalized Treatment

Treatment choices perfectly match your goals of treatment complications with early intervention.

Immediate Service

Your treatment plan is designed for steady progress, with every phase promptly implemented.

Coordinates of this location not found

Gym #1

4096 N Highland St, Arlington VA 32101, USA 800 1234 56 78

Opening Hours

Mon-Thu: 9:30 – 21:00
Fri: 6:00 – 21:00
Sat: 10:00 – 15:00

Gym #2

4096 N Highland St, Arlington VA 32101, USA 800 1234 56 78

Opening Hours

Mon-Thu: 9:30 – 21:00
Fri: 6:00 – 21:00
Sat: 10:00 – 15:00

Our Specialists